In life, there are always new chapters and they all create your story. Some of them are meant as a learning experience, some of them pure hedonistic experience, but they are all meant for something. I’m opening a new chapter of mine. Yoga line. Mangala Active Wear. For years I’ve been thinking about it, developing
New Workout
Mangala Active Asana is a new chapter in Mangala story. For the past ten years, I’ve been creating clothes for workout, laisure, work, but I always strived to create multipurpose wear. I have also been teaching yoga here and there in the mean time. But now, I feel like time has come to an active
Let me tell you a story
Mind, body and soul. They actually like each other and work together pretty well if you let it. About 15 years ago my first yoga attempts started. I wanted to change my workout regime, since my usual bodypump workouts weren’t exactly soothing for my twisted spine. So yoga it is. I had a vision of
Ob 10. obletnici Mangale, sem se odločila za en GIVEAWAY, v zahvalo, ker ste. Podarjam dva bona, vsakega v vrednosti 50eur, enega za zmagovalca na Facebooku, enega na Instagramu. Navodila za sodelovanje pri nagradni igri, lahko poiščete na Mangalini FB strani ali IG strani . Sodelujete lahko na obeh, tako da imate možnost
🎈 10 let. 🎈 10 let nazaj sva se s sestro počasi sprijaznili, da je kriza pustila svoj pečat v denarnicah in glavah potrošnikov, zato sva se odločili, da zapreva trgovinico Mangala na Gallusovem nabrežju in greva vsaka na svojo poslovno pot. Trgovina ni bila ravno najbolj obiskan prostor pod soncem, zato sem privlekla tja
I know it’s April. I know it’s spring and everybody is in expectance of warmer days, wearing nothing but a T-shirt and sunglasses. And of course some pants, duh. 🙂 But where I live, surrounded with mountains, it’s often colder than in the city and it’s often windy in the spring time, due to the
Handpainted Artwork
So happy to let you know, I started handpainting on some of my handmade products. Be sure to pay attention, because the magic lies in the details. 🙂
Silky Shorties
This summer we are rockin’ it in silky satin shorties. Doesn’t get any more stylish than that.